
Showing posts from 2018
9 Non-Obvious Reasons Why Waking Up Early Is a Great Idea Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group,  wakes up early  every morning while everyone else is still asleep. Many successful people stick to this routine. Science says that waking up early can have a lot of positive effects not only on your productivity but also on your entire body and emotional state. You’ll have enough time to fully wake up. Even if you take a cold shower or drink a cup of coffee right after waking up in the morning, you still can’t fully wake up no matter how refreshed you feel after your usual ritual. It’s all about the  sleep inertia  that  lasts  for about 2 to 4 hours after waking up. During this time, attention, memory, and reaction are non-productive — they need enough time to accelerate. You’ll get better quality sleep. Scientists  found  that people who wake up early get more quality sleep than those who don’t. Those who love to sleep late are more likely to have