
Showing posts from August, 2017

Do These 12 Tricks and Lose Weight in a Week

Do These 12 Tricks and Lose Weight in a Week 12. Don’t be afraid of relapses Most of us will find this situation familiar: you’re one week into your cabbage-and-water diet, and it looks like the hardest part is already behind you. Then, one night, something comes over you, and you find yourself by the fridge, chewing on a chicken drumstick and reaching for a chocolate bar. At times like this, keep calm and refrain from putting out the bitter taste of failure with even more unhealthy food. Just let go of that drumstick, pick up a cabbage leaf, and take a fresh bite! 11. Observe the rule of two Try to make sure that your plate always contains two types of food: meat and side dish, side dish and salad, fish and vegetables. This simple arrangement will accustom you to a more sensible way of eating. 10. Getting a second helping © depositphotos     © depositphotos    Change your dining locations. Pick up your plate and utensils (nothing else), an

The 9 Most Effective Exercises for Beautiful Legs and a Toned Butt

The 9 Most Effective Exercises for Beautiful Legs and a Toned Butt Bright Side  has found a set of exercises that will help you tighten your butt, thighs and legs. Exercise #1: Squats Stand with your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Take a deep breath in and start pushing your buttocks back as if you’re trying to sit on an invisible chair. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower. Breathe out and return to the starting position. Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions each. Note:  Squat down as low as you can (the lower you squat, the more you engage your glutes). While performing the exercise, keep your back straight and make sure your knees do not extend over your toes. Exercise #2: Forward bends Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Now lean forward, keeping your back straight. Lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor, and bend your